An Introduction to Cry, The Beloved Country

I have begun reading and attempting to process Cry, The Beloved by Alan Paton. As I read it, I imagine myself talking in an African dialect. Having lived in India, it comes to the soundtrack of my imagination quite easily as we were surrounded by English speaking Afrikaners.

If you need a little bit of help understanding the book, check out Book Rags or Spark Notes.

It is true that this book ISN’T so Pollyanna as Anne of Green Gables, yet it provides a rich experience with which to broaden our horizons, expand our vocabulary, and enter into a different culture from a safe distance. We can also learn a little history about apartheid.

So what is the book about?

Here is my child’s version . . .

a priest and his wife have stuck to their old ways. But most of their family, including their only son have wanted a more exciting life—the big city. In an attempt to locate the family and bring them home, said priest takes all their savings to journey into the city that swallows people up and takes them prisoners. On his journey he is able to reclaim some but also meets much grief and sadness. And it appears that he uses up most of his money.

That is all I have read so far. Enlightening, ehh? Let me find something more profession and well thought out.

Alas, I can not find a SHORT summary. They are all VERY long. So you might as well read the book. How’s that?

As you begin to read, look for some of these themes (found from another book club who read this book). These will only get you started. Other themes can be found in the link that I previously provided for you.

  • Biblical/Christian Influence. Cry, the Beloved Country is written in a Biblical style.
  • Opposites. The novel is full of opposites: the land (compare introductory paragraphs to section 1 and section 2); black versus white; poor versus rich.
  • Johannesburg Versus the Country . Cry, the Beloved Country contrasts the rural and urban ways of life.
  • Balance of Black Versus White. One of the novel’s goals seems to be to offer a balanced portrayal of both white and black perspectives without condemning either side.
  • Women. What role do women play in the novel? How do the injustices they face affect them? Do they suffer from injustices that the men do not?
  • South African Society.

Tracking Down Shane

My father-in-law has always been a huge fan of Westerns, especially Western novels. Every time we stay at my in-laws’ house, I am amazed by the large bookcase that houses his collection of Westerns (along with his J.R.R. Tolkien novels). Most of his books are by Louis L’Amour, but there are a few other authors in the mix as well, so I was hoping I might be able to borrow a copy of Shane by Jack Shaefer for our next book club meeting.

His response when I asked about it, “No, I don’t have a copy of Shane. Why don’t I have a copy of Shane?” He had the movie, but not of the book. So we left from that trip without being able to borrow a copy, but we had an idea for his Father’s Day present.

My father-in-law considers Shane to be the greatest Western movie ever made (and he knows his Westerns), and in many circles, Shane is also regarded as the greatest Western novel ever written.

“He rode into our valley in the summer of ’89, a slim man, dressed in black. ‘Call me Shane,’ he said. He never told us more.”

When he opened his Father’s Day present and saw the copy of Shane, my father-in-law was ecstatic and repeated his exclamations about how the movie is the greatest Western ever made. Seeing his joy made me even more excited to read this month’s book.

I’m still trying to track down my copy. Looks like I might have to place an Amazon order. Borders only had one copy when we checked, and that book was designated to become a much appreciated Father’s Day gift.

Have you gotten your copy of Shane yet? Have you started reading it? What are your impressions of it so far?

A sustaining book

My goal is that all the books we select be sustaining ones.

Have you ever thought about a book being “sustaining”?

Have you ever thought if the books you read your children are sustaining?

Many of you are mothers, some are not. Today I’d just like to talk about reading to children… yours, other peoples, everyone’s!

Jodi has blogged about this before, but it’s such an important thing it’s worth a repost! She started her own meme called “If You Give A Mom A Book.” I would encourage you to link up and share what you and the children in your life are reading!

Before I send you to the whole post here’s a snippet…

But what exactly is a Sustaining Book? Gladys Hunt, in her book Honey for a Child’s Heart, quotes Ruth Sawyer’s suggestion of “proper fare for a child’s mind” as

Stories that make for wonder. Stories that make for laughter. Stories that stir one within with an understanding of the true nature of courage, of love, of beauty. Stories that make one tingle with high adventure, with daring, with grim determination, with the capacity of seeing danger through to the end. Stories that bring our minds to kneel in reverence; stories that show tenderness of true mercy, the strength of loyalty, the unmawkish respect for what is good.

I have to strongly second that book! (Honey for a Child’s Heart) It’s often the gift I give to new mothers. My copy is well worn and marked up! Gladys Hunt also has Honey for a Woman’s Heart… another excellent one in my collection!

Take a minute and check out this post of Jodi’s, If You Give A Mom A Book. And here‘s the most current post from the Granola house.

At our house this week we read the old classic Tawny Scrawny Lion. Remember that one?

Happy Reading,

currently reading:
The Sunny Side and The Mission of Motherhood

Read it. I know you’ll love it.

One of my life-goals is to become Mary Poppins. I just love her so much I want to be her. She’s a practically perfect sort of magic, and I know just what I’d do when it came time to jump into a chalk picture: hop right into the story of Winnie the Pooh for a rousing game of pooh sticks.

The childish sort of whimsy and randomness that abounds in the stories of Poppins and Pooh is appealing to me, and I was delighted to find that A. A. Milne wrote other things besides stories of Christopher Robin and Pooh Bear. One of them is a collection of “Short Stories and Poems for Proper Grown-ups” called The Sunny Side which we will be discussing in a few short weeks, and just in case you haven’t bought a copy yet, you can do so here.

I’m supposed to be introducing this book to you, but I haven’t read it yet! However, I would say, having not read the book, that this book is ridiculous, charming, truthful, silly, adventurous, and full of delightful tales that are sure to make you feel like a kid again.

Some helpful tips to begin your reading:

*I followed someone’s advice and read the introduction, and I’d like to note that he says NOT to read the first section first. Skip the collection entitled “oranges and lemons” and go straight to “men of letters” (which in my book is on page 57).

*A joint in this story is not illegal drugs, it’s meat. i think.

*Don’t take anything in this book too seriously. They were originally stories written for a British satire magazine.

*Read the introduction.

*Take note of anything that makes you laugh or which is your favorite. I’m sure we’ll want to compare later!

*Go buy the book on amazon if you haven’t yet!


Anne of Green Gables

I don’t know about you, but Matthew Cuthbert might be my favorite character of this book. Without having all the parental responsibilities he gets to be a friend and like a grandparent to Anne! What a fun relationship to have with this imaginative red haired girl! I love her tendency to give new dramatic names to everything. Such a great warm-weather book to read outside!

We are meeting to talk more about Anne and her adventures Monday May 17th. We will be back at Paradise Bakery and Cafe (at the Hamilton Town Center Mall) at 7:00pm.

If you want to be ahead of the game our June book is The Sunny Side: Short Stories and Poems by Proper Grown-Ups by AA Milne. Check out Amazon… they are anywhere from $5 to a few cents in the new/used section!

June: The Sunny Side by A.A. Milne / Monday June 21st @ 7:00pm

July: Shane by Jack Schaefer/ Monday July 19th @ 7:00pm

April 17th

Our April meeting is just around the corner and is going to be a fun one!

First of all, it’s at Tea’s Me Cafe!
Second of all, we’ll be revealing May’s book!
Third of all, someone in attendance will win a copy of May’s book!

Tea’s Me has a great lunch menu (so come hungry!) and a HUGE selection of tea…. even if you think you don’t like tea, I’m betting they can find something you do like!

Please email me if you’ll be joining us on April 17th. Tea’s Me is not a big place and with the size of our group we’ll need to make a reservation. ([email protected])

Also, when you email me let me know if you’d like to carpool. Janet will be heading up that arrangement since I will not be able to attend. (*sniff*) I’ll pass that info on to her and she’ll contact everyone and figure out the details of all that.

_____the facts_____

When: Saturday April 17th @11:00
Where: Tea’s Me Cafe
What book: A Tale of Two Cities
Why: lunch, tea, discussion.

_____future info_____

: a surprise to be revealed at April’s meeting / Monday May 17th

June: The Sunny Side by A.A. Milne / Monday June 21st

July: Shane by Jack Schaefer / Monday July 19th

2 books, 1 meeting

One week from tomorrow we’ll be meeting again! I love meeting once a month, it seems to come around quick, which is great! I get to get out for an evening of enlightening adult discussion and, of course, I get to see all of YOU!

You can read one book or both books, it doesn’t matter.

Muslims Christians and Jesus by Carl Medearis
Miniskirts, Mothers and Muslims by Christine A. Mallouhi

Per Paradise closing early in the winter, we are going to meet at Borders at the Hamilton Town Center at 7:00pm in their cafe section on March 22nd.


Things to come…

We will read A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens for April 17th at 11:00am at Tea’s Me Cafe. (NOTE: this is a Saturday… We all loved Tea’s Me last year and they aren’t open evenings, which is why we’ve moved the date to a Saturday.)

One of our members has graciously offered to do a group order of this book. She is an Usborne consultant and it would be $3.80 (including s/h and tax!) Awesome deal! Please let me know soon if you are interested!

Monday, May 19th at 7:00pm we will be back at Borders at Hamilton Town Center to discuss The Sunny Side: Short Stories and Poems for Proper Grown Ups by A.A. Milne. You should recognize this author. He is famous for his stories of a certain Pooh Bear.

Once May comes around it seems summer busyness hits. I hope you can find time to read these short stories and poems on a sunny day! If you’re thinking ahead, check out Amazon soon they have some used copies VERY cheap!

June is a secret! 🙂 Well… I can tell you we’ll be meeting June 21st at 7:00pm… but the rest is a secret! The book won’t be revealed until May’s meeting… but don’t worry, there’s a good chance you’ve already read this well-known popular book.


Remember, you can also keep up with all things Book Club related by getting all the posts sent straight to your inbox. On the left at the top I’ve set it up so you can just add your email address and never miss an entry!

Happy Reading!

March 2010

Monday March 22nd at 7:00pm we will be meeting to discuss Muslims Christians and Jesus and/or Miniskirts, Mothers & Muslims at Borders at Hamilton Town Center. (I checked… even though Paradise’s website says they are open until 9:00… that won’t be the case until well into Spring.)


Don’t worry. You don’t have to read both books. If you’d like to you may, or just pick one.


I hope you enjoy the book(s) and like our theme I hope they broaden your horizons and maybe expand your world view.

The Count of Monte Cristo

I started reading it last night.

This is officially THE LONGEST book I’ve ever attempted to read!

(Well, except for my Bible, which is a little less than twice as long… and I’ve read that in 90 days so this should be a piece of cake! Right?)


Yes, fourteen hundred and sixty two pages long.

I don’t say this to scare you off. Please consider reading it with us! And to bait you along I have an extra copy that will go to the first person who contacts me!

Ready, set, GO! 🙂