Anne Of Green Gables: A Recap

Things were a little bit quieter than usual. 

But the coffee was soothing.  And I like seeing friends who don’t mind the fact that I have kid stains all over my shirt. 

The story . . . delightful.

I think I figured out why we weren’t as talkative.  Though Anne of Green Gables is truly a precious and heartwarming book . . . there isn’t any one particular character that we could . . . well . . . rip to shreds or judge . . . or hate.  It was a happy book.  Wholesome.  Heartwarming.

And happy books just make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.  Like the foam on the top of my cappuccino. 

If you missed this book, I would encourage you to still read it.  (I have 80 pages to go. I so wanted to finish it before I wrote this blog post.)  It makes the world look a little greener.  It is a little oasis of felicity. 

And so, I’ll close with a little bedtime story . . . as it is time for me to go to bed . . . (brought to you by Book-A-Minute Bedtime Stories). 

(Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert send for an orphan boy to help out at Green Gables.)
Anne Shirley

I’m here.

Marilla Cuthbert

Anne Shirley, you are not a boy. Go back to the orphanage.

Anne Shirley

If I work really hard, stay out of trouble, enrich your lives with my buoyant spirit, rescue you from the doldrums of your pragmatic ways, and touch the hearts of the townsfolk…then can I stay?

Marilla Cuthbert

Well, ok.

(Anne does all these things except stay out of trouble.)


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